Easy Stay At Home Hair and Beauty Routines

It was only natural that after spending weeks experimenting in the kitchen, that experimentation moved to beauty and hair routines. I am unscientifically declaring that people have worked out more than they ever have and we’re almost back to that 2010 “how do I take care of my hair” fever.

Like everything else in my life, I like to keep routines simple and get to the heart of what is important. The simplicity doesn’t exist for the purpose of the actual routine- it exists for you to do something enough to make it a routine. Anyone can do anything once, but if it’s too hard and complex, your brain is going to shut down the motivation the next time you try to do it. I would rather do a simple thing consistently than do a complex thing once, but that’s just me.


One day like a week or two ago, me and my cousin went down a rabbit hole of long healthy Nigerian hair. It was that conversation that actually motivated me to cut my hair. I ordered a bunch of moisturising products, enlisted my husband to be my barber and went for it. I can tell you that after the hours of research that I did that day, the two things that matter most in hair growth and health are diet and moisture. You have to eat enough protein and stay hydrated and you have to keep your hair clean and moisturised.


My skincare goal is always to have clear skin- not perfect skin. The fundamentals that apply to everyone is keeping your pores clean and keeping your skin moisturised. Some tips for cleaning your skin properly are using a damp washcloth to wipe off cleanser, using a cotton pad and micellar water first to make sure you really clean the skin and washing your face for at least 60 seconds. My unpopular opinion is except you have really big windows that let in a lot of direct sunlight, you really don’t need to wear sunscreen everyday indoors.


If you’re just starting to work out, there are so many ways to ease yourself into it. A nice safe routine to do daily is a walking workout- there are tons of free walking workouts on YouTube. Tabata workouts are also a nice intro into working out because it includes built in breaks after every move. I do think if you’re staying at home all day, movement is a must. If I’m up early enough, I like to walk outside (still in my house) for 30 minutes just to get some vitamin d and fresh air. Now more than ever, fitness is wellness.

What are your easy stay at home routines?