An Incredibly confusing post that hopefully someone else can relate to

My most complimented attribute is how much I put myself out there- it’s inspiring, people are jealous of it, it’s the one thing I hear more than anything else and yet, it’s like the bane of my existence. 

 A friend of mine said a few weeks ago that she would like to work on our friendship. That led me down a rabbit hole of trying to figure out if something was wrong , how it went wrong, my role in it and if there was a way to fix it. That then led me down a different rabbit hole of thinking about my relationships, my self confidence and self belief. 

I have no self-belief. I am more concerned about what other people think than I realise. Those are two separate things that are both true. Those things are connected by my choice of relationships.

From a young age, people/ media/ everything and everyone gives you the cues about the markers for a good romantic relationship but all other relationships are the wild wild west. As I grew older, I was able to fashion my own set of standards for romantic relationships and got better at picking romantic partners. The rest of it was the wild wild west. 

I’ve always been too something- too loud, too talkative, too much of a thinker, too intense, too emotional, too bad- and all of that left me with a very confusing and also negative picture of myself. I constantly sought out people who affirmed those negative things, even though it took me many more years to realise that. That meant that I was myself to only myself. Everyone else around me thought of me as too something and that was my kind of comfort zone. Sometimes I even leaned into those characterisations of myself. 

Most of why I started blogging was having a space to be myself – even if that was over the top, or rambly or boring or just whatever. (There is no reason for this sentence to be in this post)

That’s not to say, I made bad friends- I’ve had a lot of amazing friendships, it wasn’t about people being bad more like bad for me specifically. 

And somehow I suspect that in relationships where I wasn’t getting what I needed, they weren’t either- It’s a two way street in a shitty city.

Okay, I’ve found my train of thought again. Basically, what I’m saying is, in order to build the self belief I need to move forward and in order to have the healthy relationships I so crave, I need to learn to let the shit go- the stuff I don’t know and can’t know. It’s impossible to know everything, every thought process, every variable. It’s impossible to stop people talking about you or hating you. It’s impossible to always know why something didn’t work out and most of the time, it’s a combination of so many things, it’s impossible to pull those things apart.

The thing is if I get stuck on wondering what’s going on in everyone else’s head, I don’t have space to fill my head with affirmations like “you can do it” “you are better than average at some things”- Let me tell you something incredibly sad- I don’t even really feel like a failure because it’s almost like to feel likeI failed, I needed to be hope that I would succeed and I’ve never really had that concrete hope- obviously I’ve said things like “I need to have money” and “I can so do this job”, but I haven’t ever really believed in my ability to determine the course of my life. I haven’t been able to visualise myself as the one that impossibly good things happen to- it’s so much easier to think of a process and focus on that because if you ask me, what do you think you can achieve? What do you think is possible?

 Here’s the truth? I don’t know.

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The Vulnerability Hangover

2020 Goals- January Update

Early in the year, I wrote a post listing out my broad goals for the year. I thought it was about time I moved from my childhood resolutions of “fluent in French and lose 20 dress sizes” into actual goals that I could refer to and work on without being a superhero.

As the month comes to an end, I’ve decided to kind of see where I’m at in these goals so that I kind of have a clearer picture going forward. I would like to do these check ins once a month so I can see how well I’ve done in turning the goalsinto actionable things and how the goals evolve over the course of the year.

Health and Fitness

Run a 10k and a half marathon- well, well well, this is off to a not great start. After procrastinating 10k training, it was two weeks to it and I knew I would physically be incapable of doing it so that’s out the window. I could have walked it, I could have tried anyway etc etc, but I just wasn’t willing to jeopardise my consistency and practical approach to run the 10k so in the end, you win some and lose some.

I also haven’t signed up for the half marathon yet, but that’s something on my to-do for the week.

I have gone to the gym 10 times this month, which is probably more times than I went in total last year (wow). Most of those times have been in the last two weeks, so I’m only really just started to get into a routine.

Walking- with a goal to start running on the treadmill, I started by walking for an hour everyday. It is boring and it is sometimes long but I’m definitely already adjusting to the feeling of being on a treadmill (no hands, yay) and I’ve moved on to incline intervals.

Learn how to do a pushup- this is something I’m probably not going to worry about for the next few months.

Get a full health work up- no comment (but basically haven’t done this or made any plans to do it)

Eat more protein- so in order to see how much protein I usually eat, Ive been tracking my meals, and it’s been a dire situation, wow. I’ve started to supplement with some protein shake powder that has been languishing in my kitchen cupboards (don’t worry, it’s within the use by date) and generally trying to rework my meals in a way that there’s enough protein. I also started adding collagen peptides to my shakes and that’s pure protein which is a happy accident because I didn’t buy it for protein sake. I even swapped greek yoghurt brands for protein sake! I started the month on like 30g per day and I’m now up to 70-80g a day. The goal is somewhere around 120g a day so a ways to go still, but on the right track.

I really wonder how so little protein had affected my satiety levels and so on. I really think February will be the month where I’m hitting those protein levels consistently.


This is one that’s as usual, harder than I expected it to be. My standard fear and self doubt kicked in and actually threatens to undo all the progress I’ve made pushing through to finish my first novel manuscript, write more etc. However, I’m hoping to have my manuscript ready for submission by the first week of March and really up the ante there.

As for that communications job, I implore the universe to send it to me, because I’m not going to lie, I am exhausted by job hunting.


Work on giving with no expectations- I am happy with how I’ve given this month but can also see that there’s a lot of room for improvement. And reflecting on this point, I don’t tend to give with expectations anyway, I’m just not very giving in general. So I think this is more a case of giving more in general. Not just things, but myself etc.

Say yes to attending things

I cant really say where I am on this, but I feel like I’ve been very “yes, give me a time and place” recently. I’ve definitely met up with quite a few people this month, so it’s a step in the right direction.

Get rid of as much clutter as I can- I honestly consider this at least once a day and then do nothing. I really have to break down what I need to get rid of and get to work. I think this would work best if I break it down to the barest minimum and start from there.

In summary, generally, I’m happy with how the month has gone. I didn’t really want to start the year with too many things on my plate, so I basically ignored all the numerous things I put on my plate, and am picking them up one by one. Old me would be dying at how little I’ve achieved this month on paper, but new me can see movement which is my main goal for the year. I want to keep moving forward, even when progress is slow. I’ve tried for years to do everything at the same time- to set impossible goals and it hasn’t worked. I’m trying something different and there is movement and that’s what I’m focusing on.

 Where are you on your goals/resolutions?










Your self-care manifesto for 2020

This year as self- care, we are not restricting it to over the top behaviour that yields only temporary rewards. Self care should feed into your present and future self. It’s not just getting drunk on a weekday night and being unable to concentrate at work the next day or splurging on the dress you know you can’t afford, or ignoring the sound on your car and buying a bottle just because or only eating the most expensive and calorific foods or booking a series of spa days with the money you were saving for something else.

Listen, we are balancing. We are loving ourselves. We are doing self care differently- we are buying better groceries and learning how to make the things we love to eat- we are investing in daily skincare that works for us, we are finding exercise that we love and stopping the ones we hate (bye burpees).

We are paying off debt and getting our health checks. We are loving people that can love us back and cutting off the people that constantly make us feel bad about ourselves. We are eating stuff that makes us feel good and not just masking our feelings and drinking only when we want to- we are not measuring the entirety of our self worth with only one thing.

We are speaking up for ourselves but picking our battles and making our social media pages safe spaces for ourselves. We are speaking up for people and tracking our thoughts and feelings and our spending habits.

We are apologising wholeheartedly and accepting responsibility when we are wrong. We are examining the generalised hate we were taught and educating ourselves so we can let it go.

We are consuming all the content we love. We are investing in our spaces that we spend most of our time in and doing what we like with our hair.

We are giving genuine compliments and accepting them back graciously. No putting ourselves down.

We are vulnerable, we are honest, we are kind. We are the people we want to be, not the people anyone else expects us to be. 

 We are telling our friends what their strengths are, and supporting their businesses. We are sharing and creating opportunities, showing up on time and dancing if we want to (even if no one else is).

We are making that friend, applying for that opportunity and showing up to places bearing gifts. 

 Most of all, we are reading what Dami did and reminding her that she’s a great gal!



Three times I shot my friendship shot (and it worked)

I’m a massive advocate of shooting your shot. I’ve done it a million and one times and will do it a million and more. Obviously, since I’m married, my shots are limited to making new friends. (How many times can I get away with writing “shots” in this post?). Anyway these are 3 times I shot my shot my friendship shot online and it worked. I’ve picked three of my friends that I think would be cool with me sharing our stories (I’ll find out for sure after I publish and see if this is going to turn into a story of how posting online lost me friends)

 The year was 2015. I had been following this really cool girl for a while! Eventually, I was like you know what? I want more than a twitter follow relationship so I sent her a DM. This DM breaks my rules for sending DMs – if you send me a DM saying just “hey”, chances are I won’t reply if I don’t know you, so please if you’re DMing me, send the full reason for the DM upfront! Anyway, probably because we have mutual friends and she’s a nicer person than me, she replied and now we are real friends still! 


I guess 2015 was a very active year. It’s funny because I remember the story of me and Yvette differently in my head. I always thought I shot my shot, but it was kind of more mutual.. Studio of Mode used to have these movie screenings and I went to one of them by myself. Another friend was there but she was on a date so I was basically hanging alone and someone introduced me and Yvette (I think, can’t really remember). I listened in on a conversation where she talked about a newsletter she ran called “Sade’s list”. It was amazing and she shouldn’t have stopped but anyway. It led to me subscribing and then to her initial email.

She sent me a calendar invite and we met up for breakfast at 9am sharp (neither of us was late heart eyes) on that Saturday and then proceeded to spend the entire day together. Since then she has been such a permanent (and very well integrated) part of my life.


The year was 2018. I had been following Lolli since uni when she was a blogger. When she stopped blogging, I still followed her on Instagram and from 2017, we had a bit of Instagram back and forth, short conversations about stories she posted etc. She lived in London and one time when I was there, I decided “fuck it” and sent her a message. Looking back, my message was so very weird and random af, but hey it worked! We met up for brunch, then traipsed around London, met up with a friend of hers, bumped into a celebrity, took tons of photos of each other, stumbled on a carnival and went home. We met up again briefly that week and then she went on holiday and I left by the time she came back. Since then, I’ve seen her a couple of times when she’s been in Lagos. She moved as well, so we are much further apart but we talk pretty often and last year, we did vision boards together and she was with me till midnight when it was officially my birthday. It’s crazy that I followed this babe online for like 10 years and one message later, we are now friends!

 Here are my tips for shooting your shot! 

 1.     Try and establish some kind of relationship beforehand, interact with their content, etc, so they kind of know who you are before you just go straight to “lets be friends”

2.     Keep your message short and go straight to the point

3.     Don’t be like me and say “I’m safe” because that obviously means you’re a serial killer

 Comment and tell me when you shot your shot!  

30 Things I've learnt from 30

illustration by @whatdamidid

The age 30 is sold as this monumental life changing age. When I turned 30, I had been married for a week and unemployed for a year. My amazing friend and my partner threw me the surprise party OF MY DREAMS. Then we went on a midnight boat ride and it was a really perfect way to enter 30. Four months in, I was STILL unemployed (which I still am) and my mum died. I was already feeling rootless and stressed and now I was grieving. The rest of 30 was filled with grief, rejection, close relationships falling apart and me shouting internally “why can’t I catch a break?”. Those are really the perfect conditions for learning lessons and I’m going to share some of them with you. I also discussed something similar in my podcast. Anyway, here we go.

1.    Friendships come and go- it’s okay if it goes, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth it.

2.    It's okay to do nothing- you don’t have to always be busy. Taking a break doesn’t always mean slowing down, sometimes it means doing nothing.

3.    It's okay for your plans to change- even if you’ve had those plans for a very long time.

4.    You're never too old to grieve- grief is no respecter of age, pain is till pain.

5.    You're never too old to start again- it doesn’t matter if it looks like everyone else is young- live the one life you hav.

6.    Supplements work- take a multivitamin. You’re 99.2 percent not getting everything you need from your diet. Sometimes you can’t sleep because you’re deficient in magnesium, sometimes you’re tired because you’re low on iron.

7.    It's easier to control yourself than try to control everyone else- when things get hard and someone isn’t listening, focus on what you can do, not what the other person should.

8.    You can regret a workout- don’t workout when you’re sick or injured- don’t workout just because you hate yourself that day or you’re trying to “earn” a meal.

9.    Overdressed or under dressed are concepts that you can define for yourself.

10. You will sometimes dislike your partner- they are not perfect, because they are human.

11. You can find vegetables you like- and they don’t have to be green.

12. Speak up for yourself- even if your voice shakes..

13. but pick your battles- sometimes it’s not worth it, before you start the battle, ask yourself how much you care about the outcome.

14. study yourself- self reflect often- you don’t always have to have a journal to journal, write in your notes app- it doesn’t exist only for celebrity apologies, send a text to yourself, send an email- think about your thoughts and actions and desires often.

15. It's okay to change your mind- about your thoughts, feelings, beliefs- it might seem like everyone is already woke, but it takes time to develop your thoughts and ideas on lots of things and that might mean changing your mind often, it’s okay.

illustration by @whatdamidid

16. Money ebbs and flows- except you’re like the 0.1 wealthiest, then I don’t know how money works for you, but please enjoy!

17. You're allowed to walk away from people- yes, even family.

18. Don't hate follow anyone- if everytime someone posts on social media, it irritates you, unfollow them and protect your mental space

19. Buy the best stuff you can afford- it will make your life so much better

20. People owe you things – and you owe people things- it is impossible to exist without expecting things or owing things.

21. So much of life is random- when it’s hitting you hard in the face, it’s hard not to take it personally, but try.

22. You can’t spend your whole life hating your current body- if you can’t love it, accept it- even if you still plan to change it- accept it today.

23. It’s okay for your hobby to not turn into a business.

24. It’s okay if you don’t enjoy your job but you like other parts of going to work- even if its just the money.

25. Every big decision feels monumental at the time but eventually, it becomes very minor – remember that if you want to end your marriage or quit your job or change your course.

26. You cannot prevent people from hating you or gossiping about you, and no matter how good you are, it will happen, so live your life freely and happily.

27. Ask.

28. Just because you’re open about your life doesn’t make you a fool- there is nothing special about being secretive. 

29. When someone tells you that you hurt them, your first instinct will be to be defensive, pause, ask for some time and think about what they said. It makes a world of difference. Hurting someone doesn’t automatically make you a bad person.

30. Relationships are built on a series of small actions, so send that text, reply to that Instagram post, meet up for coffee or lunch, pay a visit, don’t wait until birthdays or you’ll look back in a few years and have no friends. 

TV I’m looking forward to in January 2020

I have a very specific taste in tv shows (some people describe it as bad, I describe it as life is short and I like to be entertained, not intellectually stimulated). It’s very hard to find shows I really like, so when I find shows I like, I cling through the ups and downs (that’s a lie, I cut shows off like people cut off people in the new year).

This list is full of stuff I’m excited to come back and there’s only one new show, which is a shame because I watched the trailer of every-new-show-being-released-in-January and there was only one thing I was interested in. Anyway, before my introductory ramble gets as long as food bloggers before their recipes, let’s get into the post.


illustration by @whatdamidid

For some reason, I don’t know a lot of people that watched season 1- I really enjoyed the fresh take on self-love and I’m excited season 2 is out on 

Love island (British Version)

Obviously made this poster for my fictional show

Obviously made this poster for my fictional show

The thing about love island is that it’s a great communal show. Last season saw me getting into a groupchat fight that led to me leaving and forming a second and longer lasting Love Island groupchat. It’s exciting to gather round at 9pm everyday and watch real life events happen. I was so immersed in last season, I ended up writing some spoof episodes. I wanted to write a whole season but the show ended and my ginger ended along with it. This is the first season set in South Africa as well although I don’t think that’s going to make a lot of difference because all we see is a villa. This is also the first season where the presenter that dated a 16/17 year old that appeared on a show she hosted, when she was 32, Caroline Flack, would be absent from.

New Amsterdam

What is it with medical shows??? I discovered this show two months ago and ended up watching it all in 2 or 3 days. I was shocked when I got to the last episode. They took a mid season break early and I cant wait for it to come back.

The Bold Type

There was a time where I thought for SURE I was going to end up working at a magazine. One time when I modelled for a magazine I loved, I tried to experience as much of their office and work as possible, I definitely overstayed my welcome. The Bold Type is definitely me living out my magazine work dreams and I’m super excited for season 4.

Kims convenience

This show was a slow grower but I kept going back and I was suddenly obsessed with the Kim family. I’m happy to have them back in my life this month.


When anyone talks about how bad Grownish is, I make what I hope looks like almost agreeable head movements because I love it and I feel like it keeps getting better and after the cliff hanger of the last episode, I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Sex education

illustration by @whatdamidid

This absolute delightful show is back for a second season this month and I cant wait to devour it.

 Katy keene

Fashion was another industry I was sure I was going to work in (and I did for a few years) and I love seeing people try to “make it” on screen. From what I can see, this show is about people trying to “make it” in different creative fields and the cast is diverse, so I’m kind of ready to dive in.

My goals for January 2020

Hey guys, happy new year! The start of a new year never gets old. While I’m over having New Years eve plans (past my bedtime tbh), the start of a year always feels filled with endless possibilities. This year I’m going to skip resolutions which feel temporary and overwhelming and I would rather aim for things I can control and that I’m already on track to do.

 Health and Fitness

Over the years, I’ve had so many “fitness goals” that boiled down to one thing- lose weight. For the first time in my life, I’m going to do something that feels insane to me- not diet- at all- not once this whole year. I’ve gone on 100s of diets since I was a teenager and it’s just not something I’m interested in doing anymore. So my goals for health and fitness are really about health and fitness for a change and not an euphemism for weight loss.

 Run a 10k and a half marathon- for many years before I moved back to Nigerian I ran all the time. Actually for the first two years after I moved back, I maintained that momentum and eventually stopped entirely- blame the weather, or the fly that entered my mouth, I don’t know what. It’s something I want to start again for the sheer joy of running (you either hate it or love it). The longest distance I’ve ever run is 12 miles which is a little over 19km and close enough to half marathon distance for me to set as a goal. Obviously, I don’t think it would be at the same pace or effortlessness but I think it would be a fun goal to achieve. I plan to run the Access bank 10k and then do a half marathon later in the year.

Walking – I miss walking as a way to just get lost in thought and listen to new music so I’m going to start walking again (on a treadmill)

Learn how to do a push up- honestly, I can’t believe I don’t know how to do this, so I’m going to try and move beyond my modified push ups and learn how to do an actual push up.

Get a full health work up- There are a million reasons why I don’t trust hospitals in Nigeria but it’s no excuse to not get maintenance check ups, including Pap smears and vaccinations.

Eat more protein- protein has never been my jam. I’m a carb girl all the way but I tried tracking my protein intake and it was less than half what is recommended, so I really need to prioritise more protein in my diet.


It boils down to writing. I finished writing my first book last year and I’m currently writing a second one. The goal for the year would be to sign with an agent and/or publisher. I also just generally want to write more anywhere and everywhere - obviously starting with this blog :). Finally, I would love a job in communications with the right salary.


Work on giving with no expectations- this is hard but I honestly want to love my partner, friends and family selflessly

Grow stronger friendship and family bonds- this an extension of my point above

Give gifts- gifts are not my love language tbh (acts of service are my primary love language) and that has made me complacent about giving gifts and I would like to change that because gifts make people feel loved

Say yes to attending things

since I left 9-5, I’ve been holed up at home, sometimes for days at a time and I’m definitely less social, I need to get out more and learn to speak to people again.

Get rid of as much clutter as I can

I want to Marie Kondo my whole life, but slowly. I have to figure out exactly how I want to do that.

What are some of your goals for 2020?