It’s kind of insane when I see people that live in Nigeria have a Netflix subscription and now a showmax one. First of all, showmax is cheaper - I think its free with some DSTV plans even and to try and compare the quantity and quality of content on showmax and Netflix is actually ridiculous because showmax is so much better, its unbelievable. I wish they did a better job at marketing because seriously- if they just tell people what they can watch, it literally sells itself.
Well, lucky you- you have me. It was very hard for me to even come up with a list because like I said- they have a ridiculous amount of content. Showmax is the HBO partner for the African regions they are in so there are aa lot of HBO shows and then just a ton of other stuff, so take this list as a part 1 of parts that will probably never come- although never say never!
There’s stuff like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings and Rush Hour and stuff like that I don’t watch and won’t bother talking about. There’s also that movie Acrimony that I’ve witnessed at least 7 debates about even though it’s a crazy movie. I say all this to say this list is the tip of the ice berg- okay I’m overselling now.
Palm Springs - a cute movie about two people that get stuck in the same day in Palm Springs
Gossip girl - the old one and the new gen z reboot that’s quite frankly terrible, but a way to pass the time if you care that little about your time
Normal people- a gorgeous series based on a book of the same name about two people in love that can’t seem to get it together enough to be together
The L Word: Generation Q- I remember loving the original L word and this is a reboot that’s actually good
Industry- I just rewatched this and what a perfect gem of a show. It’s about a 1st year grad class and their first year journey in London investment banking. Perfectly cast, written, acted and directed.
A Simple Favor- just the kind of crazy over the top plot that makes a ridiculous premise very watchable
Sex and the city - Didn’t watch the series, but it’s there. So are the movies.
Scenes from a marriage- to be honest, I thought that this series took itself too seriously but it was pretty interesting if you like tv shows about mostly two characters discussing their marriage and having sex.
Hacks- a long term millionaire comedians career is falling apart- a desperate young writer might be the glue she needs to put her career together. Very fun, very good.
Love island- I mean, sometimes you need to see what the fuss is about a bunch of people in swimwear all day trying to find love in 6 weeks (or 3 days if they get kicked off)
A million little things- you know, dramas like this with an ensemble cast dealing with issues in a very emotional American way usually annoy me, but I still really enjoy this one.
Insecure- this should have been top of my list (even though it’s in no particular order) and it’s rude that it’s so low down but now that the 5 seasons are complete and the show is finished, it’s a perfect time to watch all of it on showmax.
New Amsterdam- I talk about this show a lot because I’m obsessed with one couple on it. Is it the best show? truthfully, no. But if you end up loving the couple I love, your life will be better for it.
Four weddings and a funeral- this show is CRIMINALLY underrated and you’re so lucky you get to binge it. Unlike the movie of the same name, it’s a tv show with a mixed cast of friends that follows the theme of them all attending four weddings and a funeral over the course of the show. I love and love.
Love life - each season is independent of the other and season 2 is my absolute favourite but both seasons are so good.
I May Destroy You- Michaela Cole wrote 191 drafts of this series, so I think that tells you everything you need to know about how good it is.