Let's Catch Up

It’s been a few months since I’ve been on here. I started off the year doing too damn much and burnt myself out. I’m learning, as I always am, to strip everything away and learn to add things in bit by bit. I don’t always do it well- doing everything at once is infinitely more addictive than being sensible. In the months since I’ve been away, I’ve done a few things worth mentioning.

I designed and produced a planner…

Last year, I decided to try out product design by making a notebook. It went well, so for my next attempt, I decided to go big or go home and make a planner.

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I created it at a time when I needed structure in my life, so it was me making something that I wanted to exist. It was a painful and expensive process. I will share the gruesome details of that entire journey soon. In the end, I’m proud of myself and it’s available to purchase. It can ship internationally, but it is expensive. It does ship nationwide (in Nigeria). Start planning here.

I became a buzzfeed contributor


I am now writing book related content for buzzfeed. My first piece is here and it’s a quiz based on my favourite genre- romance. The gag is, romance as a book genre has these rules that people live and die by- aka it must have a happily ever after (HEA) or a happily for now (HFN). Basically, as well as the central story being about a love story, the love story has to end with the couple together. Do I think a story can’t be a romance if the couple doesn’t end up together at the end of the book? No. Do I think love should be limited to the couple being together forever? No. Do I understand the need for some happy respite from this stressful world? yes.

I started a Monday Musings series on Instagram

Inspired by one of my favourite actresses, Freema Agyeman, I decided to start a Monday Musings series on Instagram. A way to muse every week and it’s already been seven weeks. More than the posts themselves, I’ve learnt so much from doing these posts.

  1. Intentionality wins every time. I set a clear goal that was very easy for me and I’ve followed through seven times.

  2. Time passes quicker than you think- every week, I’m shocked that another week has passed but without that deliberate time marker, more time would probably pass before it occurred to me.

  3. Little goals always feel too little when you set them, but add up to a lot. If I had decided to start posting on Instagram once a week, I would have convinced myself that didn’t make sense and pushed myself to think “at least 5 times a week” but I noticed that more than once, when I came to post the Monday post, the last post on my feed was from the Monday before. So basically, before I started doing these Monday posts, I would go more than one week without posting, but setting such a small goal would have still scared me. It’s made me more willing to embrace small, very small, very tiny goals.

That’s all for the catch up, now that’s out of the way, we can have some chats!